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Major Incident Tabards for Emergency Services

MC Products range of major incident tabards enable a rapid and accurate identification of emergency response team personnel in emergency and critical events and situations.

By establishing an easy and quick method of identifying key players and team leaders in moments of potential disaster and emergency, lives are more likely to be saved, or disaster averted because of a greatly enhanced effectiveness of team operations.


+44 (0)151 548 0144



  • Design and Manufacture in UK
  • Public and Private Sector
  • 30 Years Experience
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In the UK in emergency situations, a Gold/ Silver /Bronze coloured command structure is used and recognised by emergency services. It is a hierarchy – based structure that is used for the command and management of major incidents and emergencies.

Gold is strategic command, Silver is tactical and Bronze is operational level. There is also a Platinum control which is Government level.

Working closely with individual groups, whether they be from the main three emergency services, the Coast Guard or Civil Defence, we will design the tabard that is what that group really needs and is right for them.

These tabards can still be customised with pockets and loops to hold equipment, and they can be printed with logos if required.

All major incident tabards are manufactured in the UK.

For further information - Please contact us on 0151 548 0144 or sales@mcproducts.co.uk

...to discuss your specific Major Incident Tabard requirements.

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